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<< Ver todos los equipos de análisis de sorción de vapor VTI-SA+ Diseñado para el análisis de sorción de alto rendimiento de los materiales en condiciones controladas de temperatura y humedad.   DescriptionSpecificationsTechnologyPerformanceResources El analizador de vapor de sorción VTI-SA es un instrumento de sorción de flujo de vapor continuo para obtener isotermas de agua…


10 Questions to Ask Yourself for Successful DSC Use

Differential Scanning Calorimetry is a thermal analysis technique commonly used to characterize materials across a broad array of applications including chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymers, and more. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) measures the heat flow in a material as it is heated or cooled over a specified temperature range.


3-D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Process Optimization: A Thermal Approach

  Overview 3-D printing and additive manufacturing are growing segments due to the extreme versatility of the printable materials. The application of such technologies are numerous (rapid prototyping, complex shapes…) and require different materials with different properties. Thermal analysis can be a valuable tool to evaluate the way a material keeps its internal structure during…


4 Cost-Effective Ways to Upgrade Lab Instruments

Technology is rapidly advancing. Whether you upgrade old equipment or add a new technique to your bench, using cutting-edge instrumentation is sure to enhance your lab’s efficiency and results. Today’s instruments offer more reliable data and advanced features, both of which are crucial for staying at the forefront of material innovation.
