Tuning an ElectroForce Test System in load control using TuneIQ®
In this TA Tech Tip, we will show you how to properly tune a TA-ElectroForce test system in load control, using TuneIQ®.
Tuber 100
The Tuber 100 instrument conforms to ASTM C335 and ISO 8497. The absolute method combined with a sophisticated end guard heater system makes of Tuber 100 the most advanced and easiest tool to test pipe insulation. Sample length is one meter long with diameters ranging from 12mm to 100mm+. Two standard probes, 15mm and 22mm, are available, different sizes can be provided upon request.
Conductivity range is 0.02W/mK – 0.08W/mK. Temperature range up to 80°C with temperature control of 0.01°C.
DetailsTroy Nickel: An Introduction to Fatigue Testing
Troy Nickel: An Introduction to Fatigue Testing Material or structural failures are typically the result of two types of loading modes: a single (static) load that results in failure or a repeated (cyclic) load that causes the material or structure to fatigue over time. When designing materials or structures it is important to understand which…
DetailsTRIOS EasyMass: Unlocking Efficient Experiment Preparation with Automatic Mass Data Transfer
Overview Learn how to use the new TRIOS EasyMass feature for the TA Instruments Discovery DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter), which allows you to automatically send mass data from your balance directly to TRIOS. The balance is connected directly to a computer by a USB cable, and on-screen instructions guide users through the sample weighing process.…