ElectroForce™ Apex 1 Instrument
The TA Instruments ElectroForce Apex 1 Mechanical Testing Instrument empowers scientists, engineers, and technicians to assess mechanical properties efficiently and reliably through monotonic tests, fatigue studies, and other material characterization methods, all with minimal training required.
Discovery Core Rheometer
The TA RS-DSC is a revolutionary new high-throughput thermal stability testing instrument specifically designed for biologic drug development.
Discovery SA
TA Instruments invites you to experience the world’s most productive Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) Analyzer, the Discovery SA. Discover the advanced engineering and attention to detail that provides enhancements in every aspect of DVS technology and a new level of user experience. With industry-leading performance, exceptionally wide humidity control range and ease of use, the Discovery SA meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.