Proper sample preparation is of critical importance to the quality of data generated on a TGA.
The Tzero press takes sample encapsulation to a higher level of performance and convenience in conventional and hermetic sealing of a wide variety of materials. The press kit includes four die sets for Tzero aluminum and hermetic pans & lids. Optional die sets are available for high-volume DSC pans and Discovery TGA sealed pans. The die sets are magnetically attached with no tools or adjustments required. In addition, each die set is color-coded to the box containing the compatible Tzero or standard aluminum hermetic pans and lids.

Features & Benefits
Proper sample preparation is of critical importance to the quality of data generated on a DSC. The Tzero sample encapsulation press and pans take into consideration every detail necessary by design to ensure simple and proper preparation for the highest data quality.
Tzero® Pans
Tzero high-performance pans and lids are designed to maximize pan flatness and sample contact. Coupled with the unparalleled flatness and uniformity of the Fusion cell sensor, the Tzero pans and lids provide the most direct, uniform heat flow path from the sample to the sensor. These pans are tolerant of many sample forms and are designed with lids that conform to the top of irregular specimens, efficiently transferring heat to and from the entire sample. Competitive pan designs that have non-flat bases are unable to achieve appropriate thermal contact with solid specimens. Fabricated using advanced technology and to extremely tight tooling specifications, the Tzero pans offer significant improvements in resolution and repeatability over any other pan design.