Determining the Mechanical Properties of Non-Woven PLGA Scaffolds
To Characterize the Variation in Material Properties of Non-Woven PLGA Fibers
DetailsTo Characterize the Variation in Material Properties of Non-Woven PLGA Fibers
DetailsThis study had a threefold purpose: 1) study the creep response of bone to repetitive phsyiologically-relevant loading 2) to perform these types of tests on a small scale; and, 3) to illustrate and identify age-related effects on the mechanical properties of bone.
DetailsHydrogels are used for a range of applications. In this study, we characterized two different types of topical wound dressing hydrogels, one specialized for radiation dermatitis, and another for low exudating wounds using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) techniques.
DetailsTA Instruments’ 3300 and 3510 load frames can be used to characterize the mechanical strength and durability of breast implants. These insights are crucial for both the design optimization and final validation that is required for regulation.
DetailsPolymer leaflet heart valves can fail in long-term use due to tearing and calcification caused by high dynamic tensile and bending stresses on the material and oxidative reactions with blood. It was postulated that synthetic valve leaflets that mimic the natural valve leaflet structure fabricated from fiber-reinforced composite material will minimize leaflet stresses and decrease tears and perforations.
DetailsMechanical testing techniques are commonly used to quantify the compression characteristics of such devices. The goal of these tests is to determine a relationship between the compressive displacement and the resulting force on the devices. A precise and accurate assessment of force against displacement can be performed by using the ElectroForce® 3200 Series III test instrument.
DetailsIn this note, viscoelastic properties of SBR mixed with linear and branched butadiene, and carbon and silica filler are systematically investigated using dynamic mechanical analysis.
DetailsThis study investigates the influence of operating temperature on the flexural properties and fatigue life of two grades of Garolite woven fiberglass composites using an Electroforce 3330 load frame.
DetailsThis article investigates the flexing properties and heat generation of rubber mixtures of styrene butadiene rubber and butadiene rubber, with silica and carbon black as fillers, using Goodrich Flexometer test or Heat Build-up.7