Setting Up the 3 Balls on Plate Geometry on the Discovery HR for Tribo-Rheometry Testing

Overview The three balls on plate tribo-rheometry accessory is designed for measuring the coefficient of friction of soft materials like food or solid surfaces like coatings. As one of the TA Instruments Discovery Hybrid Rheometer tribo-rheometry accessories, this geometry simplifies surface friction measurements on all DHR models. Advanced TRIOS software makes setup and control easy,…

Setting Up the Ball on 3 Balls Geometry on the Discovery HR for Tribo-Rheometry Testing

Overview In this tech tip, we demonstrate how to get reliable Tribo-Rheometry data from point to point contact measurements using the Ball on 3 Balls Geometry on the Discovery HR. This geometry is ideal for studying the effect of friction and long-term wear on materials ranging from automotive components and greases, lubrication in prosthetic devices,…

Setting up the Ring on Plate Geometry on the Discovery HR for Tribo-Rheometry Testing

Overview Interested in measuring surface friction? TA Instruments Discovery Hybrid Rheometer offers four different tribo-rheometry accessories. This one, the ring-on-plate geometry, offers a surface to surface contact to measure surface friction. Rheometer users in the cosmetics, personal care, food, and electronics industries commonly use surface friction measurements to optimize their products. Watch this tech tip…

Orthogonale Superposition

Orthogonale Superposition Charakterisieren der Viskoelastizität von Materialien beim Fließen Beschreibung Merkmale Technologie Anwendungen Video Orthogonal Superposition (OSP) ermöglicht direkte Messungen der Viskoelastizität unter gleichzeitiger Scherung zur vollständigen Charakterisierung von Materialien in allen Anwendungsstadien. Diese neue Dimension der rheologischen Prüfung schließt die Lücke zwischen Oszillation und Fließen und misst das viskoelastische Verhalten eines Materials unter den…

Rheology of Coatings and Inks

Rheology of Coatings and Inks Coatings and inks are two of the most common structured fluids that are characterized on rotational rheometers. Rheometers offer experimentalists many opportunities to perform selected tests that can reveal information about the properties of the fluids and allow one to predict the processability of these systems. Of particular interest are…

Obere Peltierplatte für Peltierplatte

Obere Peltierplatte Schnell ansprechende Temperaturregelung und unübertroffene Genauigkeit, wenn Sie Messungen abseits von Raumtemperatur durchführen möchten. Beschreibung Merkmale Technologie Anwendungen Video Obere Peltierplatte für Peltierplatte (UPP) Die UPP ist ein schnell ansprechendes Temperaturregelungssystem, das entscheidend ist, wenn Sie bei Temperaturen testen, die von der Raumtemperatur abweichen. Es kann zu Messfehlern von über 40 % kommen,…