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The composites market is evolving fast. Global market projections indicate a 10.8 % growth by 2028, driven by the demand for composites across industries looking for materials with superior performance at reduced weight and cost. This blog explores how advanced material analysis can enhance R&D and manufacturing processes in the composites market, ultimately leading to financial savings and increased efficiency.
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) is a thermal analysis technique used to measure the mechanical properties of materials as they are deformed under periodic stress. DMA is commonly used to determine the viscoelastic behavior of polymers, composites, and other materials.
Will my paint coat the wall or drip off? Will my topical pharmaceutical spread on skin or form clumps? Rheology answers vital questions to inform how we create and interact with materials on a daily basis.
Ich experimentiere gern in der Küche, besonders wenn es um Backen und Desserts geht. Zur Feier des Pi-Tages bringen wir Wissenschaft und Experimente in die Küche – mit einem Mürbeteig und Füllungen … und einem Rheometer.
Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (LIB) werden in einem mehrstufigen Prozess hergestellt, bei dem verschiedene aktive und inaktive Materialien kombiniert werden. Materialauswahl und Verarbeitungsbedingungen können die Leistung der fertigen Batterie stark beeinflussen.
Der Weg von der Entwicklung einer Formulierung hin zur kommerziellen Formulierung hängt von der Dosisstärke, der intrinsischen Stabilität und dem Ausmaß der Proteinselbstassoziation im fertigen Arzneimittel ab, wenn das Arzneimittel das Endstadium der Entwicklung erreicht.1
High-performance polymers are a critical material for manufacturers due to their combination of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties, but especially their cost. Without adequate testing, manufacturers could run into a slew of issues, from immediate product failure to poor performance or failure after some time in usage.
Unlocking Stability: The Crucial Role of Thermal Analysis in Lyophilization Temperature Optimization
The method of drug delivery significantly influences the final stages of the manufacturing process. Currently, lyophilization—a widely adopted technique—enables drug developers to stabilize formulations and therapeutic molecules using a validated commercial approach. In this process, precise control of pressure and temperature within a lyophilizer facilitates the removal of liquids from formulations containing thermally sensitive or hydrolytically unstable active pharmaceutical ingredients or formulation components.
Against the backdrop of a plastic waste crisis, the global demand for plastic is set to quadruple by 2060. This has driven a shift toward sustainability and away from linear use models of plastic production. Post-consumer resin (PCR) has emerged as a key player in circular economy initiatives, though ensuring the quality and performance of PCR requires several characterization considerations.
As a central pillar of modern society, the pharmaceutical industry bears the load of billions of lives around the world. In 2022, the global revenue of the pharmaceutical industry approximated $1.5 trillion, a figure reflected in two decades of significant growth.