electrode slurries



Lithium-ion Battery Quality and Performance Testing with Isothermal Microcalorimetry

Over the past decade, battery research, development, and quality control have adopted in-situ and in-operando isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) as the leading method to evaluate heat flow during lithium-ion battery cycling. While cycling a cell to failure can take many months, emerging diagnostic tests are able to predict long-term behavior in a matter of weeks.

Advancing Lithium-Ion Battery Technology Through Rheology

Lithium-ion batteries represent the dominant rechargeable battery on the market today.  They can be found in many applications including consumer electronics, electric vehicles and industrial equipment. Due to the tremendous adoption of lithium-ion batteries in recent years, battery technology is the focus of a diverse set of research areas aiming to improve battery lifetime, performance and safety.   

Optimization of Catalytic Reactions by High-Pressure TGA

Catalytic reactions are everywhere: from plastics and bread to over 90% of all chemicals worldwide, countless goods and materials are manufactured with the aid of catalysts.1 Catalysts are substances that speed up sluggish chemical reactions. Faster reactions are more technologically and economically competitive. Furthermore, optimized catalysts offer a huge potential to reduce energy and resource consumption and lower carbon dioxide emissions.

Cutting-Edge Lithium-Ion Battery Development is Supported by Thermal Analysis Research

Whether you’ve used a cell phone or driven an electric vehicle (please, not at the same time), you’ve probably come to realize that lithium-ion batteries are taking over the energy world. They power our portable electronics, vital medical equipment, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage. As the market expands, researchers are finding ways to make Li-ion batteries increasingly powerful, dependable, and safe, all while minimizing production time and cost.

What does COP 26 mean for the batteries industry?

In autumn of 2021, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) met in Glasgow to work out agreements to curb greenhouse gas emissions and prevent additional climate change. COP 26 built upon the Paris Agreement to limit global warming below 2-degrees Celsius by achieving net zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. These two agreements will shape how governments and industries work together to reduce climate change over the next decade.