Waters’ New Battery Cycler Microcalorimeter Solution Accelerates Real-World Testing from Months to Weeks

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania — March 20, 2023 — Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT) announced a new Battery Cycler Microcalorimeter Solution from its TA Instruments™ Division for high-resolution characterization of battery cells. The instrument and software combination enables non-destructive testing under real-world operating conditions and significantly reduces experiment time from months to weeks, while providing decisive insights for greater battery efficiency, safety, and stability.



電池 反覆進行充放電工作至失效不僅耗時,且耽誤數據分析,而這些數據對於開發新電池化學而言非常重要。由於寄生反應足以影響鋰離子電池的性能與壽命,因此測定該反應的活動成為一項持續性的挑戰。原位電化學量熱法是研究這些寄生反應的領先技術。 電池循環測試儀結合微型量熱儀方案 結合靈敏的 等溫微量熱法 與電化學分析。
