Navigating the Help Resources Available for Our Rheology Instruments
Overview Whether you’re training a new rheometer user o…
DetailsOverview Whether you’re training a new rheometer user o…
DetailsOverview Trends in tire development and manufacturing h…
Details動態力學分析 (DMA) 技術用於測量材料在動力或循環力影響之下的反應。一般而言,動態力學分析包含探討材料處於小振盪負載下的彈性與粘性反應,進而探測分子結構對於擾動的反應。溫度、時間和頻率等其他變量可能會作為測試的一部分加以改變,確定材料在不同環境條件下的表現。
Details催化反應無處不在:從塑膠和麵包到全世界90%以上的化學品,無數的商品和材料都是在催化劑的幫助下生產的。 催化劑是加速緩慢化學反應的一種物質。更快的反應在技術和經濟上都更具競爭力。此外,優化後的催化劑在降低能源和資源消耗以及降低二氧化碳排放方面具有巨大潛力。
DetailsOverview Inhomogeneous, thick, or pliable sample? No pr…
DetailsOverview Software automation enables users to get more …
DetailsOverview In this Tech Tip, we discuss how to identify t…
DetailsIsothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) is an experimental method used to measure the amount of heat released or consumed during a bimolecular chemical reaction. Chemical reactions can be either exothermic or endothermic, depending on the relative energetic stabilities of the reactants. Isothermal titration calorimetry can be used to quantify the magnitude of the heat change during the reaction.