
MC DSC是一款具有微瓦級敏感度和更高樣品輸送量的多功能、多用途量熱儀。與單樣品DSC相比,MC DSC中的三個可拆卸、可重用樣品安瓿和一個參比安瓿可增加樣品輸送量,以及確保實現高精度和無與倫比的重現性。通過可拆卸的廣口安瓿和額外的樣品操作可研究在物理上與其他量熱儀不相容的材料。


The Nano DSC differential scanning calorimeter is designed to characterize the molecular stability of dilute in-solution biomolecules. The Nano DSC obtains data using less sample than competitive designs. Solid-state thermoelectric elements are used to precisely control temperature and a built-in precision linear actuator maintains constant or controlled variable pressure in the cell. Automated, unattended continuous operation with increased sample throughput is achieved with the optional Nano DSC Autosampler.