Powder Rheology

  Description The Powder Rheology Accessory expands the DHR’s capabilities to powders, enabling characterization of behaviors during storage, dispensing, processing and end use.  Product development and process optimization are accelerated with quantitative measurements of dynamic flowability and shear properties of consolidated powder.  Screening new formulations or incoming raw materials detects unexpected behavior to avoid large-scale…

Powder Rheology

  Description The Powder Rheology Accessory expands the DHR’s capabilities to powders, enabling characterization of behaviors during storage, dispensing, processing and end use.  Product development and process optimization are accelerated with quantitative measurements of dynamic flowability and shear properties of consolidated powder.  Screening new formulations or incoming raw materials detects unexpected behavior to avoid large-scale…

Powder Rheology

  Description The Powder Rheology Accessory expands the DHR’s capabilities to powders, enabling characterization of behaviors during storage, dispensing, processing and end use.  Product development and process optimization are accelerated with quantitative measurements of dynamic flowability and shear properties of consolidated powder.  Screening new formulations or incoming raw materials detects unexpected behavior to avoid large-scale…

Powder Rheology

  Description The Powder Rheology Accessory expands the DHR’s capabilities to powders, enabling characterization of behaviors during storage, dispensing, processing and end use.  Product development and process optimization are accelerated with quantitative measurements of dynamic flowability and shear properties of consolidated powder.  Screening new formulations or incoming raw materials detects unexpected behavior to avoid large-scale…

Powder Rheology

  Description The Powder Rheology Accessory expands the DHR’s capabilities to powders, enabling characterization of behaviors during storage, dispensing, processing and end use.  Product development and process optimization are accelerated with quantitative measurements of dynamic flowability and shear properties of consolidated powder.  Screening new formulations or incoming raw materials detects unexpected behavior to avoid large-scale…

Powder Rheology

  Description The Powder Rheology Accessory expands the DHR’s capabilities to powders, enabling characterization of behaviors during storage, dispensing, processing and end use.  Product development and process optimization are accelerated with quantitative measurements of dynamic flowability and shear properties of consolidated powder.  Screening new formulations or incoming raw materials detects unexpected behavior to avoid large-scale…

Medical Device Webinar Series

Material characterization for medical devices Watch our on-demand medical devices testing webinar series to gain expert insight into the critical factors involved in medical device design, testing, and regulatory compliance – including mechanical, fatigue, and durability testing and the rheological study of soft biomaterials.

Cómo optimizar la liofilización con análisis térmico

La liofilización, también llamada criodesecación, es el proceso de eliminación del agua de una muestra, a menudo para su conservación. La liofilización implica la sublimación del contenido de agua de una muestra, por lo general mediante un proceso de congelación rápida. La congelación rápida de materiales ayuda a evitar la destrucción de las paredes de las células que se encuentren en la muestra, por la formación de cristales de hielo grandes.

Comment optimiser la lyophilisation grâce à l’analyse thermique

La lyophilisation, aussi appelée la cryodessiccation, consiste à retirer l’eau d’un échantillon, souvent à des fins de conservation. La lyophilisation implique la sublimation de l’eau contenue dans un échantillon, généralement par congélation rapide. La congélation rapide des matériaux permet d’éviter la destruction des parois cellulaires de l’échantillon causée par la formation de gros cristaux de glace.