Comprehensive Pharmaceutical Testing From Formulation and R&D to QC and Process Engineering
TA Instruments | Waters have put together two lab packages designed specifically for your pharmaceuticals lab. Pairing DSC and TGA techniques along with Rheology will accelerate pharmaceutical development within your lab.
Characterizing Drug Composition Package
Drug Formulation Package
Study Material Properties for Improved Product Performance
Quantify APIs and Formulation Purity During Development and QC
Market leading baseline flatness on both the DSC and TGA create opportunity for easy detection of transitions related to the sample (APIs, excipients, impurities, volatiles) and accurate quantification of those transitions. Understanding the fingerprint of pharmaceutical materials is critical during development/formulation as well as in the area of QC.
Characterize Drug Composition and Stability
- Examine the change in heat capacity and get clear detection of material compatibility as well as storage stability with DSC and MDSC
- Measure thermal stability without any baseline/blank runs using the TGA
- Combine the DSC and TGA to get complete control over environmental conditions during testing to predict product behavior throughout processing, storage, and delivery to customers
Thermal stability can easily be measured via the TGA without any baseline/blank runs required for baseline subtraction. DSC and MDSC can examine the change in heat capacity, allowing for clear and easy detection of material compatibility as well as storage stability. Both techniques offer complete control over the environmental conditions so you can predict product behavior throughout processing, storage, and delivery to customers.
TRIOS Guardian for 21 CFR Part 11 Data Integrity and Tracking
TRIOS Guardian plugs into the systems and technologies already in place; TRIOS Guardian is a true file-based system with encapsulated data files, which means audit-controlled data is stored with the file. Free your data and leverage any LIMS, Laboratory notebook, Cloud service, or data processing tools to control when and where you access your data files.
Characterize Your Entire Portfolio with One Rheometer
Rheology measurements are crucial for optimizing pharmaceutical products’ processability and stability. Injectables and topicals need to flow appropriately, and powder for tablets must offer ideal compressibility. The Discovery Hybrid Rheometer uniquely enables you to measure critical attributes of drug products across your entire portfolio with one rheometer.
Key Data for Formulation and Delivery
Viscosity, flowability and shear measurements help users choose the right APIs and excipients to ensure successful drug performance. Rheology data also helps manufacturers prevent processing issues and predict product performance across all stages of production and delivery.
The DHR powder rheology accessory uses the smallest sample volume of any powder flow cell system on the market, delivering reliable data without consuming expensive product. The DHR’s ease of use also sets it apart. Users can prepare samples 5x faster, start testing instantly, and analyze rheology data in one click.
Unlock rheology insights across your portfolio with these essential accessories:
Build your Discovery Hybrid Rheometer package with the accessories you need. View the full accessory list here.